I am still working on the receiver part - but i think i have the outside part pretty much figured out.
My goals are
- Interface with the Sparkfun Weather instruments
- Use a battery and charger to keep it running as long as possible before replacing. The well head i am using as a mounting base - is 80 or so feet from the back door. Plus i have alread tun over a previous setup's rain gauge cable - never want to do that again.
Interfacing with Sparkfun weather instrument.
I grabbed some code from here and hooked it up and tested it. The code uses interrupts to get the values from the Anemometer and Rain Gage - and relies on Millis() to calculate the values display. It is a single source Solution - and uses the most power since the the Arduino runs at full power all the time.
Power Down sleep mode turns off all the clocks and counters on the chip. I thought through many scenarios to try and figure a way to use other timing sources. One promising one is using a 32,767 watch crystal - but since i am using a pro-mini - getting to the pins was more than I wanted to deal with. Then I saw something on the forums and had a DUH moment - use the outside to gather the raw data - and do data processing on the receiver.
I used the RF24Network library and added these parts
//nrf2l01 stuff
#include "printf.h"
#include "printf.h"
nc---n/c---8 7--miso--12
11-- mosi--6 5--sck---13
08-- csn---4 3--ce----09
++-- Vcc---2 1--gnd---gnd
RF24 (cepin, cspin)
#define CE_PIN 9
#define CS_PIN 8
RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CS_PIN);
RF24Network network(radio);
// Address of our node
const uint16_t this_node = 1;
// Address of the other node
const uint16_t other_node = 0;
//nrf24l01 setups
network.begin(/*channel*/ 90, /*node address*/ this_node);
to setup the structure of the packet to send
// Structure of our payload
struct payload_t
float Temperature;//4 bytes
double unitWind;//4 bytes
double Gust; //4 bytes
int WindVane;//2 bytes
unsigned int UnitRain;//2 bytes
unsigned long ms;//4 bytes
long vcc;//4 bytes
The network header adds 8 bytes so I had to fiddle with the types to make it all fit in 32 bytes.